Introducing Flora, the eerie yet enchanting bunny who adorns herself in a fluffy tutu as she dances through the shadows. With her wide grin revealing sharp bloodied teeth, she exudes both charm and a hint of menace. Legend has it that Flora acquired her unsettling smile during a mysterious dance ritual with spectral companions. Now, she delights in orchestrating spooky ballets and playing mischievous pranks on her unsuspecting victims.
Flora is approximately 15" from feet to head and 10" wide.
Creep orders are wrapped in our signature packaging and includes an adoption certificate with backstory.
This is a stuffed toy that was upcycled, re-designed and hand crafted into something unique by Royally Creepy Creations. This is a one of a kind creation that you can’t get anywhere else. This is intended to be a creepy art piece. Any distressing, cracking, discoloring, etc. are considered intentional and add character and originality to to the art piece.
DISCLAIMER: Liquid Latex has been used in the creation process. Please avoid purchasing for yourself if you have a latex allergy. This creation is for display purposes only. This is NOT a toy. There may be small parts that could be a choking hazard if they were to come loose. Please keep creation out of reach of all children and all pets. Please use this creation responsibly.